Monday, May 25, 2020

What Does Cest Pas Vrai Mean in French

Youll definitely find the French expression  Cest pas vrai! to be a fun and useful addition to your vocabulary. Essentially, you can use it anytime you want to say No way! or Youre kidding! The Meaning of  Cest pas vrai! The pronunciation of  cest pas vrai  is  say pa vray.  While it literally means thats not true, its used in less formal terms such as No way! or I dont believe it! or Youre kidding! Technically, the grammatically correct expression is  ce nest pas vrai,  which  literally means this/that/it isnt true. In  informal French, the  ne  is usually dropped to produce the more common phrase cest pas vrai. This expression definitely falls into  the informal register. Its extremely casual, so best reserved for conversations with family, friends, and other close acquaintances. Examples of Cest pas vrai! in Context This phrase can be used in a variety of ways. It may be questioning the truth of a situation as seen in this example: Ce nest pas vrai quil mange cinq fois par jour: Its not true that he eats five times a day.   It may also be used as an informal gasp of disbelief at something that was just said. Jai eu 250 â‚ ¬ damende:  I was fined â‚ ¬250. Cest pas vrai!: No way! Heres another example of when the exclamation may be used when responding to a friends statement. Il ma dit de porter une jupe courte: He told me to wear a short skirt.Cest pas vrai!: Youre kidding!

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